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Unreal world. Óleo sobre tela60x80cm (1).jpg
Anne Walbring Mother. Óleo sobre tela. 90×90cm (2).jpg
Mar e lua. Técna mista sobre papel. 30×40cm.jpg
Strawbery fields.60x80cm OST.jpg



Anne, a Brazilian visual artist, attended the University of Fine Arts in São Paulo where she studied Visual Arts. The artist has a precise gift for capturing emotions, which allows her to faithfully portray characters from her imagination and still retain a mixture of restlessness and sweetness. From this combination emerges a vibrant and expressive painting. It is valid to say that her interest in art highlights her stimulus since childhood, when all his memories are fixed and exert a powerful influence on her adult formation.

Her inspiration comes from literature, music, in addition to drinking from many other sources, but her inner world is what fuels his inspiration. At the moment she is interested in the mind and its different levels of consciousness.

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